Friday, 2 September 2011

Lake Sustainablity 2011

First International Conference on Lake Sustainability

13 - 15 September 2011, New Forest, UK


Wessex Institute of Technology, UK


The first international conference on Lake Sustainability aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of different disciplines involved in the study of lake environments and ecosystems. The conference will attract physical scientists, biologists, ecologists, as well as others working on other aspects of lake sustainability, including economists, social and political scientists and specialists that can contribute to a better understanding of lacustrine environments.

The management of lakes is facing numerous challenges nowadays, some of them related to natural and many others to anthropogenic causes. Climate change in particular will have serious consequences for lake environments, while man’s increasing demands will require an integrated approach to lake management, considering not only the entire watershed area but also the different socioeconomic and ecological aspects. Any proposed solution will require improvements in ecosystems services, and the development of lake ecosystems. Furthermore, more information needs to be processed and shared regarding lake and habitat restoration and the conference would welcome concrete examples and case studies.

Lake systems are complex and characterized by being in a continuous state of evolution and change. They can be easily disturbed, leading to major ecological or environmental disasters as evidenced by many cases in the past. Their behaviour requires careful analysis before attempts are made to alter existing conditions. Well documented disasters have emphasized the need to consider lake environments in their entirety, applying interdisciplinary approaches.
The conference will deal with all topics related to the behavior of lakes, including physical, biological, pollution, water resources management, socio-economic aspects, restoration and exploitation and many others as given in the conference topics. Because of the complexity of the problems, the list only includes a summary of the most important issues, other topics related to lake sustainability will also be considered.

  • Climate change issues
  • Integrated socio-economic and ecological aspects
  • Lakes drainage and watershed
  • Large lakes
  • Small lake issues
  • Saline lakes
  • Floodplain lakes
  • Alpine lakes
  • Artificial lakes and reservoirs
  • Lake management
  • Sustainable management strategies
  • Lake ecosystems
  • Ecosystems services management
  • Sustainability and ecological indicators
  • Hydrobiological issues
  • Water chemistry issues
  • Palaeoenvironments
  • Water resources management
  • Lakes and agriculture
  • Pollution control
  • Toxicology and eutrophication studies
  • Lake and habitat restoration
  • Lakes as features of development
  • Leisure and tourism
  • Political and international issues
  • Case studies

Web Page

View the conference website, which has full details about the conference objectives, topics and submission requirements at: